Friday, 2 May 2014


It would be true to say that this girl is somewhat proud of the state of her tits - still pretty pert at the age of 51 and 9 months. This girl thinks these piercings will bring a whole new dimension to her life. Looking good 6 days after the event!!


  1. First off. You have a nice rack. Second, the piercing looks great !! Third (was just coming to hunt for your email addy) Have a great time today. I can't get Let It Go out of my head! It's going to be an awesome Friday for both of us!!!

    1. Thanks, I hope you have the best day too!!

  2. wow what a brave woman. I did look up a lot of pics about clit hod peircing today. I rather like the look.
    I am in awe of you my friend.

  3. I highly recommend the clit hood. It is comfortable and seems so far to be keeping me in a constant state of arousal. Sir will be inspecting it later no doubt!

  4. Those boobs would look great on a 22-year-old. You must be very proud of them at 51 years, 9 months. And he must be proud those they are his for his use. And the piercings are a perfect touch for such nice boobs. Congrats.


  5. Thanks FD, He seems very happy with them and the piercings too!

  6. gorgeous breast that probably any 22 year old would love to have!
    love the piercing Joolz.
    I had both my nipples done and the clit, love them and I think it was the best request by far from "Him"


  7. Thanks AtiyaLuv. Thank you for the compliment and I am so with you on the love I also have for my piercings. Welcome to my blog
